
The story of Pellegrini is one of consistency.
The company was founded in 1965 as “Organizzazione Mense Pellegrini” and immediately identified its vocation in providing a full service to the customer, setting itself the objective of expanding its capacity and skills to achieve this goal.
Gradually, as the company’s activities consolidated and stabilised, Pellegrini added another piece to the mosaic, expanding its offering:

1975: Pellegrini spa
1982: Central Food / To ensure that customers receive the best food supplies
1985: Meal Vouchers / For particularly lean and mobile customers
1996: Cleaning and integrated services / For customers who demand more, even in terms of cleaning and management of integrated services
2000: Vending service / Offering Pellegrini quality, even in vending
2015: Corporate Welfare services / Offering new perspectives to customers, developing customised and innovative solutions


Towards the future

Pellegrini’s keeps on pushing forward.
The company can offer a complete service to every business, but its capabilities don’t just stop there.
The market and developments in society and the economy are already influencing the future. However, as always, the most important feedback comes from Pellegrini’s customers and their incentives to tackle new issues and challenges.